Even modern medical science agrees - give your body physical exercise or loose its ability to be vigorous and vibrant. Remember your fifth grade math anymore? No, this is not a test but a reminder that you either "use it or loose it."
Divine Machine
Yep, this is what your body is - the first machine ever made and there will never be any quite like it no matter how smart we get here, and it can do much. You can blow it up like body builders, shrink it like dieting folks do. You can twist it, curl it, stretch it. It can bend, jump, run fast, bear all sorts of weights, and remain strong doing all this. Now, here is a test - name another machine that can do all this. None.
Why Should You Exercise?TO BE TRUE TO NATURE: - your body was made to be routinely active and this is what you did (well your forefathers) before you got smart and built tractors for your farms, bicycles, and cars, airplanes for travel. You even use elevators now to go from one room to another in the same house. No wonder your body screams for action. TO PROLONG YOUR LIFE: - Force your body to idle continuously for years, and it begins to sense and act as though its approaching death. Some of its systems begin to slow down due to inactivity. Before long, your bodys systems no longer work well together the way they are designed to do. Sickness and unexpected diseases begin to have a chance and eventually find a comfortable place to make their home. Thank God for exercise. YOUR BIOLOGY SAYS SO: - An active body keeps the blood pumping and circulating at optimum rate. It keeps it well supplied with nutrients from good food and on time to different parts of your body. When this is happening, serious illnesses are not given a space to settle even though they enter.
Speaking of exercise, Dr. Ken Pelletier in the book The Best Alternative Medicine writes It has the documented effect of reducing virtually all forms of illness. It helps patients prevent or recover from high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, breast cancer, arthritis, and chronic pain. It improves mental function, sleep, weight loss, and muscle mass, and extends life expectancy.
Divine health and healing is greatly enhanced by a physical exercise and physically fit body.
Great Exercise Resources We Recommend: