Though herbal medicine is growing in popularity, many folks still have questions about herbalsbecause much work remains to be done to inform the public and calm concerns about herbal medicine and supplements. Even with sales of over $5 billion dollars in 2009 in the United States alone, and continued estimated sales growth of anywhere between 5% to 14% yearly, a lot of people are still cautious about using them. Below are some questions that we have heard and our answers to them. Even as you read them, it is still up to you to be sure that it is right for you. Our answers are the ones we have thought of and should not be taken as final answers. Your research into herbals and consultation with your doctor are the only things that will give you the comfort level you need.
Herbal Questions
ANSWER - herbal medicines and supplements are those made with curative ingredients from natural plants, or trees, or fruits, or leaves. Unlike traditional pharceuticals, the process of making them preserves most of their natural contents. In addition, they do not have chemical additives and preservatives that can pose health risks to your body.
ANWSER - Your doctor should answer that question for you. The testimony of millions who use them say they are safe to use. This makes sense in our opinion because herbal medicine are mostly natural ingredients most of which do not have toxins that can be harmful to the body. We have used them and continue to use them with no complaints.
ANSWER - With over $5 billion dollars in sales each year something is making so many people buy and use them. This will not happen if they do not work. But only you can decide for yourself after getting all the necessary information you need to be comfortable using herbal medicine.
ANSWER - Natural substances are rarely addictive to the point of being a concern. Herbal supplements are mostly extracts from natural food material.
ANSWER - Many herbal items have undergone some scientific tests and many more are being tested. The government in Germany has infact approved herbal medicine to be prescribed by doctors to their patients, and insurance companies there accept and pay for the use of herbal medicine. There is an ongoing call by many doctors in the western world who have become convinced of the effectiveness of herbal medicine, to standardize their use with traditional pharmaceutical products. Infact many pharmacies in the United States of America and all over the western world now stock large lines of herbal supplements. They realize a lot of revenue from the sale of herbal products.