Native Medicine - Nature's Health & Healing Formula

Your grandmother knew something about divine health and healing. Did she not tell you chicken soup is good for your colds? As a little boy prone to frequent nose bleeding, my grandmother would plug my bleeding nostril with wood charcoal and ask me to tilt my head backward for a few moments. It stopped the blood flow. Science should take a look at that. Before they knew about western medicine, some of Western Africa's people used to rely on a very effective local remedy for treating malaria. They will receive from traditional herbsmen a chosen variety of certain leaves from the forest which they proceeded to bring to a boil in a large pot. Some of the potion is given the patient to drink. Then the patient is made to sit under covers leaning over and inhaling and exhaling the steam from this hot concoction. An average of three treatments later, and the patient is well again. No medical doctors and no nurses. Have you seen someone apply pressure to their temples (accupressure) in an attempt to relieve severe headache or stress? If so, you have seen divine native medicine at work. Native medicines are back in style because they still work.

Facts About Divine Native Medicine
  • They were here before science and hospitals and medical doctors.

  • They have their roots in ancient and drug-free medical sense originating from the cultures of the world's people.

  • They are completely based on things in nature.

  • Every culture has it's own set of native cures. The most widely known native cures are the Traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic Herbals of the Indian people, and Phytopharmaceuticals or Western Herbal pills.

  • They have been proven to be as effective and sometimes more effective than medical science.

  • Today, there are scientificaly tested and approved native medicines in capsules, and potions called Phytopharmaceuticals or Western altertive medicine.

  • Many people are turning to native cures again for better health and chemical-free healing. A visit to your local wholefoods store will assure you of this.
Why You Need Native Medicine Today?
  • Sometimes, (its happening more and more today) medical science is not able to cure certain illnesses. Cancer, diabetes, arthritis and other forms of pain, heart illness, AIDS, emotional disorders, mental illness, come to mind.

  • They have been proven to be as effective and sometimes more effective than medical science.

  • They will not pollute your body's systems with chemicals and unwanted agents.

  • Eating mostly things in nature will make sure your body stays close to the way it was made. This will keep its recognition and fighting system active and ready to deal will intrusions of illness carrying agents.

  • Using Native medicines does not mean you must ignore medical science. There are health issues such as life threatening emergencies, fever, colds and cough, where medical science will get the job done quicker.